REALTORS® Political Action Committee


RPAC Investors

Platinum “R” Investors – $10,000+

Kyle Schulze

Golden “R” Investors – $5,000+

Andy Alloway

Henry Kammandel

Matt Rasmussen

Tom Simmons

Crystal “R” Investors – $2,500+

Jill Anderson

Charles Chadwick

Loretta McNally

Sarina McNeel

Angela Peters

Brent Rasmussen

Doug Rotthaus

Becky Sandiland


Jerry Ahlvers

Debbie Airola

Darla Bengtson

Megan Bengtson

Trac Burkhardt

Susan Clark

Doug Dohse

Brad Fricke

Ryan Gibson

Jenn Haeg

Caitlin Holman

Mindy Kidney

Lindsey Krenk

Mandi Lackas

Linda Moy

Jenn Neilan

Perre Neilan

Liz Otto

Anne M Peterson

Denise Poppen

Cali Rethwisch

Lisa Richardson

Lisa Ritter

Jessica Sawyer

Donna Shipley

Bill Swanson

Steve Vacha

Benefits of RPAC

Recent Legislative & Regulator Success
  • Recognizes REALTORS® as a Profession

  • The Continued preservation of the Mortgage Interest Deduction

  • Extension of the National Flood Insurance Program

  • Extended Mortgage Cancellation Relief

  • Passed multiple Land Bank bills for Omaha and greater Nebraska

  • Passed state legislation authorizing electronic notaries

  • Passed state legislation to better define REALTOR® teams in statute

  • Passed federal legislation regarding FHA’s cumbersome condo rules and improved access to Rural Housing Service (RHS) loans

  • Protected the Mortgage Interest Deduction and sales tax on services which are under attack from all sides

  • Passed legislation to expand rural workforce housing

What has the RPAC Omaha Chapter done for you?
  • We helped elect REALTOR® issue-friendly candidates in the city elections of 2017 to the offices of Mayor and City Council

  • Stopped an anti-private property rights measure at the Omaha City Council

  • Helped shape legislation on short term rentals

  • Protected homeowners with respect to PACE loans

  • Protected Tax Increment Financing laws for local development

  • Built relationships – Making friends before we need them in the Mayor’s office, the City Council and the Chamber of Commerce

  • Helped foster a pro-business environment that benefits every citizen of Omaha

Where Do My RPAC Dollars Go?

REALTORS® support REALTOR®-friendly candidates, which is important when it comes to economic expansion and job growth in the community. Local policies regarding land development, infrastructure improvements, schools and taxation are of keen interest.

RPAC dollars are contributed to candidates who support real estate and REALTOR® interests. Candidates who are pro growth and pro business most often receive RPAC support. Party affiliation is irrelevant. We are not Democrats or Republicans. We are the REALTOR® Party.

Invest in RPAC

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RPAC Fundraising Contacts


Charles Chadwick

CNC Realty


Darla Bengtson

Better Homes and Gardens


Donna Shipley

Omaha Area Board of REALTORS®